Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mocks, Movie, and Man, why did we have to sit in the front row?

My first trip back to KC, since the pageant, was last weekend. FUN! Met Kari in Lee's Summit to ride the rest of the way up to Platte City for first round mock interviews. Little challenging helping Kari navigate through KC. Haha. By the way, Kari's my sister queen this year.  Yay for sisters! :) Mocks went well. I learn a little something about myself every time.

Later, my brother and my boyfriend (escorts for the weekend) picked me up in Lee's Summit and then we headed downtown to see a movie. We wanted to see Gretchen Wilson who was holding a free concert at Power and Light, but I forgot about the "21 years" rule and my brother isn't yet. So...we went to the rockin' Mainstreet AMC Theatre for dinner and Avatar. Fun, right? You'd think so, except our tickets were for the front row...and I have an extreme case of motion sickness when it comes to movies on a theater screen. I felt sick as soon as the previews started. Bummer! Awesome movie, but I didn't enjoy it to its full potential. I wanted to watch the end of it bad enough to force myself...and then I regretted it.

The Power and Light District, in case you were wondering, is a premier dining, entertainment, and shopping district in the heart of Kansas City. And it's Awesome!

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