Monday, April 12, 2010

Greater Kansas City Day

On a very early Monday morning, Miss Greater Kansas City (me) and Miss Kansas City Kari Gai joined other Kansas City Celebs and a small Jazz combo as volunteers on Greater Kansas City Day. Greater Kansas City day is celebrated on Royals opening day (hence the baseball diamond shape of this post. Nerdy, I know.) Every year, many volunteers around the Kansas City area set out to sell the morning paper and collect donations that go to a Rotary Club Youth Summer Camp for underpriveleged children. We made our first stop at an intersection before dawn. We had a blast dancing on the median with KC Wolf waving newspapers and a box of Krispy Kremes. (Some lucky generous people got a doughnut with ROYAL blue icing.) Pageants must be considered an athletic event because we were priveleged to join many other very talented athletes. Among these were NFL Hall-of-Famer, Bobby Bell; former KU basketball star, Bud Stallworth, former Chiefs player, Walter White; WWF wrestler the Brut, as well as the Chiefs mascot and Wizards mascot. Shortly after leaving from our first stop, we were slammed with some very heavy rain and hail! So waving the newspapers was put on hold but the cause was NOT. We stopped in at a few local radio stations to give a plug for all of the volunteers and the kids that would benefit. At one of our stops we were fortunate to be introduced to George Brett (BBWAA Hall of Fame Inductee). After our hard day's work we could finally stop for breakfast. :) What a great group of people to spend the morning with! 
**Another non-athlete celebrity with us was Miss Missouri USA 2002 Melana Scantlin who is pictured here with Bobby Bell and me.**

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